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In this crazy modern world that we live in it can be hard to switch off but thanks to the Float Studio in Cairns you can now recharge your batteries by escaping to the womb-like comfort of a flotation tank.

It’s a sign of the times. We are so constantly digitally connected that it’s making us stressed and anxious. So now, more than ever, we need to make sure we invest in regular holidays and weekend breaks.

However, if life’s busy we may not always have the time to nip off for a quick break. And that’s where The Float Studio in Cairns comes in, so we thought we’d go and try out ‘floating’ as an alternative way to recharge our batteries.

[headline size=”small” align=”left”]what is floating?[/headline]

floatation tank cairnsFloating involves lying in a purpose built flotation tank filled with body temperature water and Epsom salts.

Probably like many people in Cairns we had driven past The Float Studio many times and had a vague idea of what it was about but its one of those things that you really need to try for yourself.

The tanks are surprisingly large with plenty of room so you won’t be aware of the sides.

Inside the tank there is no sound and no light so its basically like shutting yourself away in a giant pod with absolutely no distractions.

If you ever wanted to remember what it feels like to be back in the womb, this is it (although a lot less squishy!).

[headline size=”small” align=”left”]as good as a holiday[/headline]

Flotation tanks were originally developed by scientists who wanted to test the affects of sensory deprivation on people. Later the idea was picked up as an alternative health treatment.

Its basically a meditative experience so its great for stress relief and calming your mind.

[headline size=”small” align=”left”]first timers[/headline]

float studioFloating is such a unique experience that if you’re anything like us you’ll have quite a few questions before your first float.

The owners of The Float Studio (both medical professionals) asked us to arrive 10 minutes early so they could talk us through the process and alleviate any concerns.

We were shown around the studio, which includes 3 float rooms, a sauna, massage room and a beautiful lounge area where you can relax afterwards.

We were also introduced to our pods and had everything clearly explained to us so we could relax and enjoy the ‘ride’.

[headline size=”small” align=”left”]what to expect[/headline]

float spa therapy cairnsEach person has their own private room and float tank. The rooms are really large with plenty of space for changing and showering.

The pods themselves are large too, 2.58m by 1.65m.

For those who are slightly claustrophobic, there’s a dim light inside and you can also leave the lid open a little (which we did anyway so we could get more air circulating).

This is a brief rundown of what to do and what to expect:

  • Put your earplugs in (these are provided)
  • Have a shower (towels and toiletries also provided)
  • Step inside the tank (naked preferably)
  • Shut the lid (optional)
  • Turn off the light (optional)
  • Find a comfy position
  • Close your eyes and float away

Inside the tank there is a light switch, call button (not to be confused with the light switch), spray bottle and face wipe in case you get salt in your eyes and a headrest if you need one.

One of our questions was how on earth do you know when your hour is up? Does someone come charging in and poke you as you lie there naked and oblivious?!

Thankfully, they’ve thought of that, so with 5 minutes to go gentle music begins being piped through to your tank. And yes, you can hear it even though your ears are underwater with earplugs in them.

[headline size=”small” align=”left”]drifting off[/headline]

float therapy cairnsFloating is such an unusual experience that it took us a bit of time to get used to being inside the tank and find our best floating position.

For this reason it’s worth going more than once so you know what you’re in for and can settle straight into it.

For first timers, the idea of spending an hour with complete sensory deprivation might seem like forever but by focusing on your breathing and allowing your thoughts to drift away, it’s amazing how quickly the time can suddenly go.

flotation studio cairnsAs with meditation, we were both initially very aware of our thoughts – what were we going to cook for dinner, what to buy at the supermarket, what would happen if the building burnt down and we were still lying there naked in our pods etc etc.

You know the kind of thing!

However, eventually our minds started to slow down and by the time the music came back on we felt completely relaxed and vibrant.

After stepping out of our tanks, we showered again to wash off the salt and then headed to the lounge area to relax, drink herbal tea and compare notes.

We felt completely chilled after our float, so give it a go, it really is as good as a holiday.

[headline size=”small” align=”left”]travel nq fast facts:[/headline]

  • The Float Studio is on Anderson Street, Cairns
  • Sessions last one hour and cost $50 for first timers ($75 per session thereafter).
  • Earplugs are provided for your first visit
  • Sauna and massage are also available
  • Appointments can be booked online at 
  • Give the gift of tranquility – gift cards available